#Wic eligibility pro
g ov/ compl aint_ filin g_ cust.html, and at a ny US DA o ffi ce, or write a l ett er add ress ed to U S DA and pro vide in t he l et ter all of the in form ation reque s ted in the form. To file a p r o g r am compl aint of dis crimin ation, compl ete the US DA P r o g r am Dis crimin ation Compl aint Fo rm, (AD- 3027) found online at: a. Addi tion all y, pro gram in forma tion may be m ade a vaila ble in lan gua ges other t han En gli sh. Indi vidua ls who are d ea f, hard of hearing or ha ve spe ech di sabi li ties may contact U SDA throu gh the Federal Relay Ser vice at (800) 8 77-8339. Brail le, lar ge pri nt, audiot ape, A mer ican Si gn La n gua ge, etc.), should c onta ct t he A gency ( State or lo cal) whe re t hey applied for bene fit s.
Per sons with di sa bil it ies who requi re a lter na ti ve means of comm uni ca tion for pro gram in forma tion(e. Depar tme nt of A griculture ( USDA) ci vil ri ghts re gulations and po li cie s, the USDA, its A gencie s, o ffice s, and emplo yee s, and in stit utions part ici pat ing in or ad mini stering USDA pro grams are prohi bit ed from di scr im inating ba sed on r ace, color, nat ional ori gin, sex, di sabi lit y, a ge, or repri sal or re tal ia tion for prior ci vil ri ghts a cti vity in a ny pro gram or a cti vity conducted or funded by U SDA.
In accorda nce w ith Feder al ci vil ri ghts law and U. *Household means a group of people (related or not) who are living as one economic unit. If you are pregnant, count yourself as two (2).įor households with more than 8 members, add $8,399 annual income for each additional member. Weekly income up to $ (total before deductions) Monthly income up to $ (total before deductions) If you are not a member of these other programs, check the income chart below to see if your family might qualify.Īnnual income up to $ (total before deductions) Families receiving Medicaid, Food Stamps, or TANF are income eligible for the Indiana WIC Program.