The strings are stored on separate lines so that the files are source control friendly. XMSBT files are XML files that contain the labels and text from an MSBT file.
Fixed a bug with UMSBT extraction where the overwrite choice was being ignored. Added some new icons for the XMSBT functions. Changed the shortcut keys because of adding more XMSBT tools. Implemented label addition when using XMSBT import (batch included). Implemented batch import and export for XMSBT files. #STARBOUND SAVE EDITOR V0.9 SOFTWARE#
Allowed other software to read (not write) the currently open MSBT file at the same time. Patched label addition where new labels created with spaces in their names would have an invalid length and cause a broken MSBT file to be saved. Adjusted spacing between all UI elements to maximize screen real-estate. Allowed users to drag the splitters between UI elements. Added new icons to support webpage links. Added links to the GBAtemp thread as well as the GitHub page. Label renaming wasn't updating the length value. Actually fixed the label length bug this time. Export the differences between two MSBT files to an XMSBT delta file. #STARBOUND SAVE EDITOR V0.9 MOD#
Added the Export Mod feature for XMSBT files. Contact me directly if you need your heavily modified file fixed so you don't lose any work. Broken files created by v0.9.5 and below can not currently be fixed with the program. Just open the broken file and then click save to fix it. v0.9.7 will correct broken files that were previously broken by v0.9.6 and v0.9.5b. Finally corrected the label renaming bugs. Fixed the BG4 extraction menu not showing up.